LImited Edition Linocut Prints
From Brighton Based Visual Artist and Printmaker Moatzart
Yoga Lady
Thinking about contemporary spiritual practices, and the assimilation of Yoga as a practice in modern life in the UK, I wanted to illustrate a modern woman practising in a calming environment. Yoga has undeniably good effects on our physical and spiritual wellbeing.
Blue Lady
Thinking about Fabrica, the current exhibition, and my own relationship with religion made me remember why I was so excited by the concept of an art gallery in a deconsecrated church, and why I instantly decided to volunteer here.
I am Romanian, and in our Christian - orthodox religion, women are not allowed behind the altar as they are deemed to be too “unpure”. I believe this is so due to our original sin, as well as I imagine more practical reasons in older times, of our monthly cycle. So as a kid I was fascinated by what could be behind there! The Fabrica altar is the first altar I have ever been behind, and it felt so surreal!
I wanted to draw a figure with a lot of orthodox symbolism, against the Fabrica altar stained glass windows to tell this story!
There are other things women are not allowed to do in our religion. You are not allowed to enter a church on your period, you are not able to become a priest. I hated the implication that women cannot talk to God, which is probably why I became an artist, as it is such a spiritual practice (for me, anyway).
How there is such animosity towards women in this religion, when a woman gave birth to the Son of God I do not know. It is also believed women were made to serve men, as Eve was made after Adam, and from him.
It is also interesting that we have a lot of female saints, yet we are not allowed to undertake priesthood. So, women are either “unpure” or the epitome of purity, but in any case, not in any positions of power over men.
I also tried to mimic the colour of “voronet blue”, a type of pigment found on a well-known monastery in Romania, Voronet Monastery. This medieval pigment survived since the 1400s and cannot be replicated today with pigments of today.
Fabrica Building Print
Finally, it was only fitting to make a print of the building that Fabrica resides in, which used to be The Holy Trinity Church.
With the Kiosk being set up in a deconsecrated Catholic Church it gives viewers other connotations to consider, and I wanted to hint towards this relationship by making a print of the hosting building.
It has been lovely to learn about the features of the building, and the history of the makers involved, such as the tradition of the stained-glass windows. The Fabrica Past, Present, Future project and blog provides more information about the unique features of the building and was a wonderful reference when making this print.